Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Sexercise—Sex Satisfaction and Weight Loss

    Women who are engaged admit that they’d rather have sex after a tiring day if they thought it would help them lose weight, a survey claims.
    Aspire drinks found that despite complete and utter exhaustion, the majority of women (76 per cent) are still willing to jump in the sack to help shift a few pounds.
    Not only is ‘sexercise’ is one of the best kinds of exercise for women who are too tired to hit the gym, but it’s also one of the cheapest, compared to other methods of losing weight such as diet pill, or gym exercise, both of which are of high price and make people dare to take.
    On the other hand, the increasing price of gym memberships means that women are more inclined to invest in sexy lingerie or other latex clothing(sexiw.com) like a corset or bodies and stay at home for their workout – rather than attempt the treadmill in a gym, which will make one feel extremely exhausted and inefficient in weight loss.
    In fact, the poll revealed two thirds of women without a membership would rather have sex or even do the vacuuming at home if it burnt as many calories as a full-blown gym session.
    According to the Mail Online, sexercise has got the thumbs up from celebrities too. ‘Sex and the City’ actress Kim Catrell is a dedicated advocate of the workout. She mixes it in alongside her regular pilates sessions, while ex-Spice Girl Mel B says that sexercise helped her shed the pounds after giving birth.
    It is however, important to realize that sex is still a worthwhile activity itself, says psycho-sexual and relationship therapist Shanta Gyanchand. She told Express.co.uk: “If women are using sex as a cheap and easy fitness routine it should be remembered that health and fitness is an added benefit, and not its primary goal. It is important not to lose sight of enjoying sex.”
    This is no doubt a serious phenomenon which deserves our deep consideration. The fact is that we are in a world where the thin are always put in the first place. It is so popular that many people follow suit to make every effort to lose weight or maintain a slim figure. Consequently, when knowing the sexercise, the first idea that comes to their mind is naturally its efficiency rather than sex satisfication. Is that right?

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